Collection Count + Care seeks relationships within and conversations across the collection. What stories does the collection tell?
Prise en compte, prise à cœur cherche à tisser des liens et des dialogues entre les œuvres de la collection. Quelles histoires la collection raconte-t-elle?
Anecdotal evidence suggests that air pollution affects dreams; that particulate in the air kills the images and emotions that constitute dreaming. As the objects in Agnes’s collection are packed away for the time of the renovation, let us consider the air that will surround them, the air of their dreams. Is clean air the same as fresh air? The air of the museum is tightly controlled. Temperature and humidity are kept within a strict range, and HVAC systems (Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning) filter air to protect artworks, artefacts and belongings from particulate matter, dust and dirt. What kind of dreams are produced by manufactured clean air?
Curated by Kirsty Robertson
Kirsty Robertson, Professor and Director of Museum and Curatorial Studies and Director, Centre for Sustainable Curating at Western University / professeure et directrice des études muséales à l’Université Western, où elle dirige le Centre for Sustainable Curating at Western University
Kim Ondaatje, Carlings on 401 / Carlings sur la 401, 1971, acrylic and mixed media on canvas / acrylique et techniques mixtes sur toile. Gift of Mrs Kathleen Milne, 1972 / Don de Mme Kathleen Milne, 1972
Kim Ondaatje, Lake Ontario Cement, 1970, acrylic and mixed media on canvas / acrylique et techniques mixtes sur toile. Purchase, Chancellor Richardson Memorial Fund and Donald Murray Shepherd Bequest Fund, 2016 / Achat, Fonds commémoratif du chancelier Richardson et Fonds du legs Donald Murray Shepherd, 2016
Eleanor Bond, The Cloudy Spectre of Detroit Hangs Over Winnipeg / Le spectre nuageux de Detroit plane sur Winnipeg, 2008, gouache and pencil on gesso on rag paper / gouache et crayon sur gesso sur papier chiffon. Gift of the artist, 2008 / Don de l’artiste, 2008
A Collection of Dreams / Une collection de rêves
Kirsty Robertson/Centre for Sustainable Curating, 2022
Johnson, Johnston and Macrae Investment Group, part of CIBC Private Wealth Wood Gundy is the sponsor for Collection Count + Care and its related programs.