
Tetewatsinehta’rá:ron – let’s all bead!

Saturday 30 April 2022
1:30–4:30 pm

Shelby Lisk and Liv Rondeau lead a free workshop

In the spirit of Shelby Lisk’s exhibition Shé:kon se’onhwentsyà:ke ratinékere tsi nihá:ti nè:ne yesanorónhkhwa (there are still people in the world that love you), Kanyen’kehá:ka artists Shelby Lisk and Liv Rondeau invite members of the community to join them for a workshop.

During the workshop participants can tour the exhibition, hear from the artist and create a pair of beaded earrings to gift to a loved one. Learn a basic brick stitch and how to create fringe using beads. This workshop is a continuation of the sentiment of Lisk’s exhibition and the Studios in Solitude residency: creating opportunities for moments of reconnection after our communities have been isolated from one another for so long.

Portrait of Shelby Lisk

Portrait of Shelby Lisk

Portrait of Liv Rondeau

Portrait of Liv Rondeau


Shelby Lisk is a multidisciplinary artist, filmmaker and photographer with roots in Kenhtè:ke (Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory) whose art practice is grounded in her connection to and place in the world as a Kanyen’kehá:ka woman.

Liv Rondeau is a Kanyen’kehá:ka educator and beadwork artist. She is the owner of Flint and Maple beadwork and is thankful to her grandmother and aunties for teaching her how to bead. Beading for her is a form of wellness and allows her to feel connected to her culture and family. She is devoted to learning Rotinonhsyón:ni ceremonies, teachings, language, culture, and songs. Liv is dedicated to helping her community and creating spaces where people can connect and reconnect to language and culture. She continues to do work every day that honours her culture, language, community, and her ancestors.

This program is supported by the City of Kingston Arts Fund, Kingston Arts Council.
Logo: Kingston Arts Council
Logo: City of Kingston

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