
Artist Talk and Tour with Printmaker John Hartman (Postponed)

Thursday 14 May 2020
6–8 pm

An artist talk with a leading Canadian artist

John Hartman is one of Canada’s most renowned contemporary painters. He joins us to discuss his approach to painting and his expressions in drypoint printmaking, fine examples of which inspired the current exhibition Face of the SkyRefreshments and a Q & A session in the gallery will follow.

John Hartman was born in Midland, Ontario in 1950 and studied fine art at McMaster University in Hamilton. A leading Canadian artist, he has exhibited internationally and his works are found in numerous important public, corporate and private collections. His national touring exhibition Cities focused on aerial views of cities and harbours; shores, coastlines and bodies of water remain a major element in his practice. Hartman lives and works in Lafontaine, Ontario and is represented by Nicholas Metivier Gallery in Toronto.

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