
Talking and Sharing Circles:
Agnes Reimagined

In-person and online
2, 30 April, 28 May and 11 June 2022

Hosted by RIEL Cultural Consulting

KPMB Architects was awarded the commission to realize Agnes Reimagined in an international call for design architects.  Georgina Riel, Indigenous Affairs Consultant of RIEL Cultural Consulting is part of the curated team diving into the real work of changemaking-through-design. We are inviting you to join in the conversation.

Past Sharing and Talking Circles

EDI and Accessibility Sharing Circle
Event facilitated by Erin Ball and Georgina Riel-Waabishki Mukwa Kwe

On Zoom, 2 April, 1–3 pm
Register by 31 March

We are offering a Deaf/Disability-focused approach for this event with the following services provided: ASL interpretation, CART live captioning, audio description and a relaxed environment. Access notes and meeting protocols coming soon. Download the poster invite.

Traditional Indigenous Talking Circle
Facilitated by Georgina Riel-Waabishki Mukwa Kwe

On Zoom, 2 April, 3:30–5:30 pm
Register by 31 March

We welcome Katarokwi Indigenous community, Queen’s Indigenous Students, Staff, Faculty and the broader community. This is the first of four Talking Circles. Each circle includes a discussion related to the various phases of the Agnes Reimagined project. Download the poster invite.

Traditional Indigenous Talking Circle
Facilitated by Georgina Riel-Waabishki Mukwa Kwe

On Zoom and In-Person, 30 April, 1–3 pm
138 Union Street, Robert Sutherland Hall, Queen’s University
Register by 28 April

This Sharing Circle focuses on themes of Housing, Caring and Hospitality. Please join us to share what will make Agnes Reimagined feel like home.

We welcome Katarokwi Indigenous community, Queen’s Indigenous Students, Staff, Faculty, members of EDI and all members of the public to take part in a hybrid Sharing Circle for Agnes Reimagined.

Note from The KPMB team:

The Sharing Circles and the Talk Back are a starting point for what we hope will grow into a continuous conversation with you. Our work will be to translate the physical, sensory and spatial experiences that you want into a holistic design that is inclusive, equitable and supports Indigenous traditions, experiences and world views.

The new Agnes aims to do this throughout the building but also recognizes the need for new spaces to be included that have not been considered core to museums of the past. These include ceremonial spaces and dedicate, above-ground and accessible spaces for the appropriate care of and ceremony with ancestors currently residing at Agnes. This includes thinking about spaces that facilitate community visitation with the aim of building lasting relationships in continued engagement with cultural materials and also repatriation.

What local materials and ways of building do you feel will make the new Agnes more inviting? What kinds of spaces, details and experiences will make you feel welcome and safe? What are the qualities and features that will inspire you, your loved ones, and future generations to want to visit Agnes again and again?

This next Sharing Circle will focus on themes of Housing, Caring and Hospitality. Please join us to share what will make Agnes Reimagined feel like home.

The KPMB team

Traditional Indigenous Talking Circle (EVENT CANCELLED)
Facilitated by Georgina Riel-Waabishki Mukwa Kwe

On Zoom and In-Person at Agnes, 28 May, 1–3 pm

Details and links to register

Talk Back on landscape, space and materials, followed by a Community Feast

Event facilitated by Georgina Riel-Waabishki Mukwa Kwe
In-Person at Agnes (36 University Ave) and via Zoom,

11 June, 1-4 pm (Talk Back ), 4–6 pm (Feast)

Free and open to all!

Accessibility and disability services are provided. A Feast follows to close the circles in a good way and offer gratitude to community members. Catering is provided by Cadue’s First Food.

Sign up to attend in-person.
Sign up to attend via Zoom.

Sessions will be recorded for the purposes of ensuring we gather everyone’s words. We won’t record during our traditional opening and closing. The recording transcript will be disposed of 1 July 2022.

Questions? Please contact admin@rielculturalconsulting.ca

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