
Jonathan Bikker, “Rembrandt circa 1630: The Rebel Emerges”

This talk was part of the symposium Rembrandt and Leiden: New Perspectives that took place at Agnes Etherington Art Centre on 8 November 2019. The symposium featured new research by international scholars on Rembrandt and his circle, Leiden and Dutch culture in the seventeenth century, connecting the exhibition Leiden circa 1630: Rembrandt Emerges with new perspectives on the artist and his era.

Jonathan Bikker has worked at the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam since 2001, where, as Research Curator, he is primarily responsible for cataloguing the museum’s holdings of seventeenth-century Dutch paintings. He has contributed to a number of Rijksmuseum exhibition catalogues and was co-curator of the exhibitions Late Rembrandt (2014/15) and High Society (2018).

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