
Digital Agnes

A constellation of digital initiatives in visual culture

Supporting collaborative and interdisciplinary exchange and experimentation in digital arts programming, including commissions, exhibitions, publications, podcasts, children’s programs, and more.    

Installation view of Transformations.
A phone looks at augmented reality artworks by Dallas Flett-Wapash.

Dallas Flett-Wapash, AR Triptych, Panel 1 | “Ahsiwahoochikan, Wapan (Norway House: Pulled by the Ferry, at Dawn),” Digital Augmented Reality Print, 2020.

In a historical house, Winsom Winsom is wearing a red dress and sits on a bench while contemplating her painting displayed on an easel.

In a historical house, Winsom Winsom sits and contemplates her painting.

A procession of people walking past a building with a veranda.

Vulindlela: Out the Gates Procession, July 2023. pc Shelby Lisk

Digitizing the collection in the Contemporary Feature Gallery. Photo: Tim Forbes

Digitizing the collection in the Contemporary Feature Gallery. Photo: Tim Forbes

Dare de LaFemme, Rowena Whey and Tyffanie Morgan are all smiling and posing wearing their interpretations of historical garments.

Dare de LaFemme, Rowena Whey and Tyffanie Morgan wear their garments as part of the re-patterning project Patterns for All Bodies

At the Vibrating Edges

We have been thinking about our programming as interconnected lines of inquiry, learning how exhibitions and programs—not just artworks—can be curated into reciprocal conversation. It is in-between these exhibitions and programs—at their vibrating edges—where new connections are ignited across Agnes’s collections and commissions.

Ukutula: Our Timeless Journeys

A new publication by Dr Qanita Lilla centres the African masks, hoods and crests of the Justin and Elisabeth Lang collection of African art in chorus with contemporary artworks from the broader diaspora.

Ukutula: Our Timeless Journeys: Curatorial Walkthrough
Currents of Liberation
Agnes Road Show Bring Your Thing: Landscape by Anna Baar-Plommer
Agnes Road Show Bring Your Thing: Viennese dance cards
Agnes Roadshow: Bring Your Thing: Landscape by Yulia Biriukova
- Radical Education in Practice: Reflections on the Anarchist Free School
Three Questions: He Thought He Died
Andrei Pora with Isiah Medina
Looking Queerly or Queerly-Looking?
- A Way of Seeing Through Edge Play: Queering Isaac and the Biblical Nude Body
Artist Talk with Ann Clarke: A Life in Motion

We are back with a third season of With Opened Mouths: The Podcast. The podcast that makes space for artists, poets, performers, activists and curators to speak for themselves. Join us as we hear stories about creative visions that powerfully convey why art and artists are critically important right now.

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Reflecting on the Collection

Bringing collections, artists and communities together. From collection highlights to asynchronous children’s programs and more, find interdisciplinary perspectives and activities that reflect on themes inspired by Agnes’s collection.

A new publication by Dr Qanita Lilla centres the African masks, hoods and crests of the Justin and Elisabeth Lang collection of African art in chorus with contemporary artworks from the broader diaspora.

find it now >
Queering the Collection

Queering the Collection

A new series of collection highlights, Queering the Collection publishes various interpretations of works in the collection that disrupt the traditional production of art canons.

Patterns for All Bodies

Patterns for All Bodies

Re-patterning garments from the Dress Collection at Agnes so that any body can make the clothes, or have the clothes made, for their own body. Local drag artists show us how it can be done.

Winsom Winsom’s work exists at the confluence of spirituality and creativity. Watch the award-winning film that traces Winsom’s journey as a multidisciplinary artist, mentor and spiritualist.


AGNES Learns is a digital resource for children and families. Artworks from the Agnes collection inspire fun ways to explore, understand and get creative.  Enjoy the short videos and accompanying lesson plans.

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New on Spotify

Enjoy selected playlists with music inspired by Agnes’s rich programming.

With Opened Mouths: The Playlist

With Opened Mouths: The Playlist

Moving into season three of With Opened Mouths: The Podcast, we asked our guests to share 1-3 songs that they are listening to and/or that have inspired them.

Ukutula: Our Timeless Journeys

Ukutula: Our Timeless Journeys

Listen to the playlist that accompanies the digital publication, Ukutula: Our Timeless Journeys. Featuring that inspired the exhibition and songs selected by artists in the exhibition.

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